Product chracteristics
• Double-cardanic design
• High misalignment capability with low restoring forces
• Standard spacers available from stock
• Applications:
- printing and finishing technology
- materials handling
- steel works
- compressor drives
Coupling description
The RADEX®-N is a backlash-free, torsionally rigid and maintenance-free all-steel coupling. The laminae that are
extremely rigid in sense of rotation are made from high-strength, stainless spring steel and enable a compensation
for high displacements with low restoring forces. By reason of the all-steel design the RADEX®-N can be used in
drives with temperatures of up to 280 °C.
Additional Information

the basis of FEM calculations. Under consideration of the necessary possibilities
of displacements of the coupling the optimal form regarding torque transmission
and torsional rigidity was aimed for. The fitted form of the steel laminae at
the outside diameter is the result of this optimization calculation.